I am a teacher.
I am a teacher of oneness - our innate & true oneness.
I am a teacher of higher consciousness, more compassion and better self awareness.
I am a teacher of love over fear.
I am a teacher of light at the end of the tunnel.
I am a teacher of understanding over believing.
I am a teacher of connection & alignment over separation & self-centredness.
I am a teacher of better over worse, much more than right over wrong.
I am a teacher of purpose, conscious action and meaningful action.
I am a teacher of self-acceptance & self-ownership.
I am a teacher of discernment, nuance & context, much more than quick, efficient decisions.
I am a teacher of the bigger picture, much more than the “nothing but” or the “just” pictures.
I am a teacher of wisdom, much more than knowledge.
I am a teacher of light over shadow.
I am a teacher of vulnerability & presence over denial & distraction.
I am a teacher of what we are and what we can be.
I am a teacher.
For the past several years now, I have felt called out to spread the messages in my heart that I summarised in the small poem above. At the present moment, it is manifesting the most via The Unlearning Playground YouTube Channel & Podcast.
I am always open to other avenues where this work needs to reach. If you feel called out by this, please feel free to reach out. I am all ears.