Ask a human, not an AI!

Ask, to receive!

Hello, good people of the internet!

You’ve reached Chetan Narang.

Here’s something to think about – One of the things AI would never be able to do, is add an authentic human touch to the answers it gives to our deepest questions. Hearing what you need to hear from a human is always going to trump reading it or even hearing it from a bot.

AI can never add an authentic human touch to its answers to our deepest questions. So ask me, Chetan Narang, a human, your most authentic questions about life, relationships or anything else - ego, money, God, people, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, learnings, unlearnings, books, etc.

Along these lines, I am starting a new series where I, a human,

will be authentically answering authentic questions asked by you, a human.

Hit me up with your deepest questions about Life – be it about relationships, ego, money, God, people, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, learnings, unlearnings, books, quotes etc – if you think it is important and relevant, let me know and I’ll try my best to give an authentic answer as a video on my YouTube channel or a dedicated episode on my Podcast.

If you aren’t familiar with my work, maybe you can go through one of my feeds – most of my content is available on YouTube, my podcast, Instagram, and my newsletter. Maybe consuming some of it inspires some questions in you. Maybe.

So, let’s get into it. Be your authentic self, and ask me anything.

If you aren’t comfortable filling any of the fields below, just mention “NA”. I would recommend against it though – I like to know the people I’m communicating with.
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Check out the current “Ask a human, not an AI” series on The Unlearning Playground youtube channel here