S02E04 – Do We Really Have Free Will?

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.

Viktor Frankl (Man’s Search for meaning)

The question of whether we have free will is a longstanding and complex debate in philosophy, neuroscience, and psychology. The internet is full of amazingly detailed and intriguing videos & podcast episodes talking about this concept in much detail. In today’s episode, I wanted to talk about two extremely crucial concepts that I think are often overlooked in most debates and discussions around this subject.

Join me, Chetan Narang, as I dive deep into the concept of free will. I am sure that by the end of this episode of The Unlearning Playground Podcast, you would be well equipped to understand what is mostly missing in the various perspectives of this question from philosophy, neuroscience, psychology & theology. You will also be able to digest the classic debates between determinism, libertarian free will & compatibilism better.

Whether you have or haven’t listened to big names like Sam Harris, Andrew Huberman, Robert Sapolsky or Jordan Peterson, my hope is that you would find this video to be the missing piece in the jigsaw puzzle of the ever evasive question – Is Free Will an illusion?

As I uncover what is often missing in most debates and discussions about free will – whether among philosophers, scientists, or laypeople, you would see that we actually need to go beyond the surface arguments to explore the real nuance of this question.

Let’s meet in the playground then.
Until next time.
Peace out.

Is free will an illusion? This question is a longstanding and complex debate in philosophy, neuroscience, and psychology. Join Chetan Narang, in this episode of The Unlearning Playground Podcast, as he talks about two of the most overlooked concepts in discussions & debates around free will that can enable anyone to go beyond the surface arguments to explore the real nuance of this question.

00:00Coming up next
00:20Intro to today’s episode
01:09Intro to the concept of Free Will
02:31My PERSONAL experience with the question
04:12How this question is USUALLY addressed on the Internet
08:48What is MISSING from almost ALL videos on Free Will
20:35Self Awareness – The MISSING variable in the Free Will equation
30:27Summary & Concluding Thoughts

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