Enlist yourself for the good stuff here
authored, with loads of love & thought, by Chetan Narang
Have you ever been absolutely certain about something that had happened in the past, only to find out later that you were absolutely wrong about it?
I’m sure you have.
Anyone who has spent enough years on this planet has.
And while being wrong about a scene from a beloved TV show or the scorecard from a game may not be a big deal, the dissonance between our memories and the reality can come back to bite us when it matters at times.
The Spanish artist Salvador Dalí expressed this rather eloquently when he said, “The difference between false memories and true ones is the same as for jewels: It is always the false ones that look the most real, the most brilliant.”
And Daniel Kahneman, the psychologist and economist best known for his masterpiece work “Thinking, fast and slow” talks about this in terms of every human being having two selves –
- the self that experiences an experience, or what he calls the experiencing self, and
- the self that recalls that experience, or what he calls the remembering self
In episode 10 of The Unlearning Playground Podcast, I delved into this topic to drive home some crucial points we are all better off understanding about our memories.
I’ve kept it short, to ensure easier absorption, like all of my other content pieces too.
Lend me your ear for just 10 minutes this weekend.
Until next time.
Peace out.
“Honesty is not found in revealing the truth, but in understanding how deeply afraid of it we are.”
David Whyte