Impactful & pragmatic everyday life advice – The Unlearning Playground podcast episodes

Honesty is not found in revealing the truth, but in understanding how deeply afraid of it we are.

David whyte
Everyday life advice and life coaching with Chetan Narang, The Unlearning Playground podcast
This life coaching is not TO tell anyone what to think or do.
but to rather guide them, via simple everyday life advice,
about how to think and how to do whatever feels right,

after having done the necessary inner-work.

A big chunk of our everyday lives is actually lived by us unconsciously. Our interactions with the outside world and also with our inner world are, to a great extent, governed by our unconscious thoughts about things. These interactions further influence our mental models, make their way into our subconscious and the cycle repeats throughout our lives.

At some stage in this circle of life, whenever we are ready to be an adult in the true sense, two questions take up paramount importance:

1. What have you assumed?

2. What have you left out?

And in the busy lives that we lead these days, such fundamentally important questions take a back-seat, or rather, don’t even pop up unless triggered externally. The Unlearning Playground podcast, and especially the custom playlist below, aims to be one such trigger.

I’m quite sure that if you let it, the content in these episodes will definitely act as a stimulant for you to think deeper on topics you were brushing aside in your everyday lives as not-so-important or nothing-new or I-know-this-already. Now if that isn’t life coaching, I wouldn’t know what is.

As usual, the individual episodes are themselves quite short – I tend to try to keep them down to only around 10-20 minutes long so as to enable easier absorption and reflection on part of the listener.

Dive into the playlist now!

While we’re on the subject of everyday life advice and life coaching, a quote from Leo Tolstoy comes to my mind. Allow me to share.

“If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give, that which I considered to be the most useful to the men of our century, I should simply say: In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.”

Leo Tolstoy

It’s not important who Leo Tolstoy was.
It’s not important when he said this.
It’s not important whether he was addressing only males here.
It’s not important if it was the most important advice of that time.
But it is important to see that it is a very important advice for our time!

Our everyday lives, in the modern world, have been complicated so much that we’ve started to take this complexity as an integral part of our lives. Surely life is complex , but what makes it worse is that we tend to complicate it even further because of all of our circuses – the jobs, the careers, the relationships, the desires, the wants and so on and on. All of the complexity that one really has to endure is overshadowed by this whirlpool of unnecessary complexities we bog ourselves down with.

Simplifying one’s life situation is therefore a very potent first step to actually improving it. Which is why the first episode in the everyday life advice series is titled “Simplify your life“. Absorb the content in these episodes. Like I mentioned above, if you let it, it will change the way you perceive and go about your life.

If you encounter anything here that you wish to delve into further with me on a one-to-one basis, you can always use the TALK-TO-ME page and reach out to me.